Room Hire

Table with glasses and water jugs in the fore ground. Tables and chairs set in a boardroom style in the background

Rooms to hire - Big Duncan and Wee Duncan

Duncan Place Community Hub has two rooms that are available to hire for groups, classes, meetings and events.  Big Duncan and Wee Duncan are both bright south-facing rooms with large windows.  As the names would suggest Big Duncan is the larger of the two rooms.  There is a double door between the rooms, and you can hire them together to maximise the space if required.
The building has a ramp and steps to the front door.  Big and Wee Duncan are both on the ground floor along with an accessible toilet.

Please see our guides to layouts and room styles for further information.

If you would like to check availability, please email us with details of your event and we’ll be in touch:

Please tell us the nature of your event, date(s), room entry and exit time, no of people, which room you require and the layout.

Room hire times

Monday to Thursday - 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat/Sun by arrangement

Downloadable Room Guides

Wee Duncan - Room Layout Guide

Download a copy of Wee Duncan's room layouts and styles. This guide displays many different room styles and gives info on room capacity and resources available. Please contact us to discuss your booking

Big Duncan - Room Layout Guide

Download a copy of Big Duncan's room layouts and styles.  This guide displays many different room styles and gives info on room capacity and resources available. Please contact us to discuss your booking

Facilities and services available

Please note that we ask room hirers to bring their own tea and coffee making supplies.
Room hirers are welcome to arrange delivery of external catering.
Projector screens in each room

Projector screen

Urn & Mugs available

Urn & Mugs available

LCD projector available

LCD Projector

flipchart available on request

Flip chart

wifi available


air conditioning

Air conditioning

accessibility icon

Disabled access

Images and Floorplans

Link to pages showing several standard room set-ups of Big Duncan and Wee Duncan.  This will help visualise the space.  Please contact us if you have any questions or have a different set-up or layout in mind.

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