
Please take our survey and take advantage of the chance to win a £25 voucher for the store of your choice!
It will only take around 5 minutes, and you will help us to develop Duncan Place Community Hub's future!

Why are we doing this survey?
Duncan Place Community Hub are surveying to gather data which can be used for:-

  • To see what we’re doing well and learn where we can improve.
  • To use in funding applications to help us develop more community events.
  • To share with our community and the charity regulator.

Duncan Place ownership transferred to the Leith community

Following years of uncertainty and possible demolition, the asset transfer between the City of Edinburgh Council and the management team and board of trustees of Duncan Place has recently completed.  This firmly places the much-loved community hub in the ownership of the Duncan Place charity for the people of Leith for generations to come.   Read more.

Upcoming Events at Duncan Place

Upcoming Events

Room Hire available


Room Hire

Please get in touch if you are interested in hiring a room for your meeting or event.

What's on

Find out what's happening at Duncan Place Community Hub.


Keep up to date with our monthly newsletter. Subscribe here

General Enquiries.

Please contact Duncan Place Community Hub with any enquiries you may have.

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