Private Hire
Duncan Place Community Hub Duncan Place, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland, United KingdomWee Duncan Room Private Hire
Wee Duncan Room Private Hire
Understanding Self Esteem with Jo Ellis and Sue Yang Private Hire - Group CBT psycho education sessions on low self esteem and anxiety.
Tai Chi Chuan - Beginners - Big Duncan Room This class is suitable for those who are completely new to Tai Chi. Places available!!! - There is a cost of £6 per week. Please email for more information. We're delighted to welcome Emma Young from Emma Young Tai Chi to classes here at Duncan […]
Tai Chi Chuan - Intermediate - Big Duncan Room *** These classes are suitable for people who have practiced Tai Chi before (even if that was years ago). The group have progressed to a stage where a total beginner would find it difficult to follow. *** Places available!!! - There is a cost of £6 […]
Tai Chi Chuan *** These classes are suitable for people who have practiced Tai Chi before to an advanced stage. There are beginner and intermediate levels available on Wednesday evenings. *** There is a cost of £6 per week. Please email for more information. We're delighted to welcome Emma Young from Emma Young Tai […]
Wee Duncan Room TPS - Private Hire
Craft Group Our Friday morning craft group meet weekly from 10:15 am to 12:15 pm. It's a self-led craft group where folks work on whatever they'd like to. We have a huge craft cupboard filled with crafty materials for you to delve into, or why don't you bring in a project from home you've been […]
If you are still interested in Chair Yoga - please contact us to leave your name and contact details. Your name will be added to a list. If a space becomes available and you are at the top of the list, we will notify you. This is a chair-modified yoga class which is suitable for […]
Yoga with Megan. This event is not organised by Duncan Place. Please contact the event organiser directly.