Private Hire – Wee Duncan
Duncan Place Community Hub Duncan Place, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland, United KingdomWee Duncan room hired out for private event.
Wee Duncan room hired out for private event.
Gurdjieff Scotland The ideas and methods brought by Gurdjieff are on every level a practical approach to living, and they prove themselves through study to be adaptable to contemporary conditions and concerns, whatever one's heritage or background. Gurdjieff Scotland offers a real, practical way to understand and apply the ideas and methods handed to us […]
Audrey CANCELLED - 9th Dec I used to run marathons and kept picking up injuries. Yoga has helped me understand how my body moved and an awareness of how to keep injury free. Now I teach Yoga and Pilates classes. This event is not organised by Duncan Place. Please contact the event organiser directly.
Wee Duncan room - Academy Arts was established in the 1970s and continues today providing a place for artists of all abilities to be creative. You can paint and draw using all kinds of mediums at Academy Arts at Duncan Place. The group are enthusiasts who like to create artwork in a relaxed atmosphere, with […]
Private Room Hire. Turning Point Scotland - Decider Skills - Closed group. This event is not organised by Duncan Place. Please contact the event organiser directly.
Chair Yoga classes - FULLY BOOKED Sorry - Fully Booked. If you are still interested in Chair Yoga - please contact us to leave your name and contact details. Your name will be added to a list. If a space becomes available and you are at the top of the list, we will notify you. […]
Save the Cinema Our community cinema continues with Save The Cinema, a comedy drama based on the true story of Liz Evans, a hairdresser and leader of a youth theatre in Carmarthen, Wales who starts a campaign in the 1990s to save her small town's theatre. With the help of a local politician, they approach Steven Spielberg with the […]
Private Room Hire. Turning Point Scotland - Closed group. This event is not organised by Duncan Place. Please contact the event organiser directly.
Private meeting. This event is not organised by Duncan Place. Please contact the event organiser directly.