Office Space

Your Work and Community Space in the Heart of Leith

Located right next to Leith Links, Duncan Place is a beautiful historic building filled with newly renovated modern accommodation.

Your not for profit enterprise or service can deliver, develop and collaborate in a quality and comfortable space.

You're going to pay rent anyway, right?

Right! So be a part of Duncan Place and feel a warm circular economy glow: rents paid in the community, stay in the community. Duncan Place itself is a social enterprise using revenues for positive purposes and not to increase a remote landlords bank account.

Leases are available on rooms with sizes ranging from 9.7m2 to 49.2m2  (104.4ft2 to 529.6ft2) and we'll even give you preferential rates on the "by the hour rooms" for when you need extra space.

Come and be at home in Duncan Place:

  • • Fully accessible with ramp, lift, accessible toilets and with a disabled parking space on-site.
  • • Cycle racks covered by CCTV and a shower available.
  • • Close to several bus routes (trams on the way!) and with free parking on the surrounding streets.
  • • Fully equipped shared tenants kitchen / staff room.
  • • Air source heating & cooling.
  • • LED lighting.
  • • Close to a range of cafes and supermarkets.
  • • Views over Leith Links.
second floor office

Click on floor plan for more details

Expression of Interest forms.

Please fill out the on-line form below.

Alternatively, download and fill out the PDF or Word DOC form, fill them out and return them to us as an attachment to 

Online Expression of Interest form

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