Leith Gala Day 2017! Thank you New Members!

Ok! it was the six-foot soldier mouse in a plaster cast in the neighbouring tent that caught your eye – or perhaps the close proximity of the Hot dog stand.  We like to think that you made a bee-line to us because like us you want to see Duncan Place up and running. Over the day over 200 of you joined up as members. We are so grateful and Thank you all for your support. We will keep you up to date on our organisation and the development of the business plan, building developments over the next critical months as we go for big funding. All the signs are extremely positive and all of you who signed up on Saturday have added priceless value to the cause. Thank you all again. Spread the word! direct your friends to our site, which will pick up pace now, and will soon have the ability to accept membership on-line.   This allows more Leithers access to becoming members of Duncan Place.

Members at Duncan Place Gala Day
Big Mouse and Duncan Place membership

If you have any questions, please contact us on duncanplaceleith@gmail.com or info@duncanplace.org, or use the contact us form here.

Leithers Gala Day  – Showstopping Karaoke and “Good Vibes”

We had a great time on Saturday, and as the day passed, the weather got better, the singing from the karaoke tent proved indeed that Leith has talent.  Not entirely sure where it was on Saturday, but fair play to those who all took some wonderful, classic songs and “made them their own”.   We were buoyed along with the crooning soundtrack to our day’s endeavours that were both fun and sometimes just showstopping.  Literally, Show Stopping.
We had visitors from all over Edinburgh, and beyond – all saying that Leith Gala Day had a “good vibe”.  Leith community is buzzing and we look forward to providing more community led, community-owned space and resources by opening Duncan Place over the next 18 months.  Thank you again, to all the new members.

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