Our Thursday evening craft sessions for adults are now monthly, meeting on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we’re going to work around a theme. Previous themes have been PAPER, TEXTILES, and PRINT.
The theme for Thursday 12th September is: JEWELLERY
The theme for Thursday 10th October is: ZINES/COLLAGE (spooky themed? 🎃)
The theme for Thursday 14th November is: CYANOTYPE
This group is self-led, with folks coming along trying new things, sharing any craft skill or idea they might have, or simply learning a new technique through experimenting. We'll supply a bunch of materials and tools for you to give a try. Crafty folks, and folk totally new to crafts are all welcome.
Payments - Please Read
Payment (£2) can be made here on Eventbrite, however please be advised that Eventbrite add on their own non-refundable fee to the ticket price which they collect. Alternatively, you can email us at events@duncanplace.org and we can send you a SumUp payment link without an additional fee added.
Are you interested in joining us? It costs £2, the group is for adults aged 16 and over, and you can book a space (or ask any questions) by e-mailing events@duncanplace.org