February 15th at 7:00pm and March 21st at 7:00pm
Big LUG: Lego User Group for Adult Fans of Lego (AFOLs) aged 16+
Are you an avid builder, looking to get back into building, or completely new to LEGO? Our Big LUG is the place for you.
Connect with others in a relaxed and friendly social setting. In addition to the creative benefits, building with LEGO can be therapeutic and a great tool to reduce stress and anxiety. Use our stock of LEGO at Duncan Place to free-build solo or together. Reminisce about LEGO memories and make new ones. You might find someone who has that sought after LEGO piece you need to finish your latest build or be able to help a fellow builder out. Feel free to bring something you’ve been working on or seek advice on how to move forward with plans for that new build.
£1 per person per session* paid in cash on the night. It would be great if you could bring exactly £1 to save having to handle lots of change. We are now able to take card payments.
Do you know of anyone who would love to be in a LUG, but isn't senior enough for the Big LUG? We have LUGs for the younger builders.
*If you’re unable to pay £1 on the night for whatever reason, that’s totally OK. We’d just really love to welcome you here. Let us know either on the registration form (on the last question) or let us know on the night.