Coronavirus COVID-19 and Duncan Place opening

A message to the Leith Community

Duncan Place has been under refurbishment since late 2019. Some snagging has been taking place and staff have been busy working towards preparing the building for re-opening.

Duncan Place aims to bring people together, reduce social isolation, build friendships and strengthen our community. We WILL still do this, just not as soon as we had hoped.

 We will follow government advice and will be constantly re-evaluating the situation. We are unable to gives reopening dates at this time.

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to welcoming you into Duncan Place in the near future.

A message to potential tenants: permanent and by the hour / day / ½ day

Some of you may be reading this as potential tenants. If you hold an MoU with Duncan Place, please bear with us. We will be in touch with you in the coming weeks. Remote working and school closures may affect our usual speedy service.

If you are interested in a leased space for your not-for profit, please complete an expression of interest form and we will be in touch.

If you are interested in booking space by the hour please send us an email. This could be for a one off event or a regular weekly / monthly event.

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